Considering Board of Director & executive Candidacy
Serving on the Executive Team is a rewarding experience and provides a unique chance to:
- contribute strategically
- influence decision-making
- steer the association toward ongoing success
Previous board or executive experience is not necessary; in fact, CAHN values diversity in experience, background, and geography. Understanding that joining the executive team is a commitment, this presentation includes more information about the expectations and responsibilities.
Board Member Responsibilities – Attending Board Meetings
Frequency & Duration: Meetings are typically one hour, once each month on Google Meet. The group works together to choose a recurring date and time that works best for all. Twice a year (at CLM and CAHNference) we hold an in-person meeting.
Establishing Quorum: Attendance at the meetings is vital since CAHN requires four of seven board members for quorum. Decisions cannot be made without quorum.
Motions & Voting: Any member of CAHN can make a motion and provide input. Only board members can vote to approve or deny a motion.
Board Member Responsibilities – Mentorship
It is expected that more seasoned board members will provide guidance and mentorship to newer board members. The President also provides guidance and is available for one-on-one meetings to help new board members orient themselves. The administration team (Danae & Emma) are also available to provide information on the history of committee work, to plan committee meetings, and to provide general guidance and suggestions based on what has been done in the past.
Board Member & Committee Chair Responsibilities – Reporting
Board Member
Each board member is given a committee to be responsible for. It is the job of the board member to collect a report by their respective committee and bring it to the board meeting. In this way, all board members are aware of the happenings within the association.
The level of involvement the board member has in the committee is flexible. Some like to take a more hands on approach if they have capacity, while others simply stick to collecting and sharing reports.
Choosing which board members are responsible for which committee happens through a collaborative conversation. Committee reports can be collected by email, over the phone, or with a video meeting depending on the preference of the board member and the level of details needing to be reported.
Committee Chair
Before each monthly board meeting, board members are to connect with their respective committee chair(s) to check for updates. Committee Chair Reports should include an update on planned activities, next steps, risks and issues, and planned expenditures.
Reporting Process

Board Member & Committee Chair Responsibilities – feedback & making decisions
Responsiveness: Decisions sometimes need to be made very quickly. In these cases, a request for a decision will be sent by email with !!! in the subject line. It is imperative that board members respond to emails in a timely fashion and advise the group during periods of unavailability.
Critical Questioning: CAHN appreciates critical questioning when making
decisions. Some questions we should ask ourselves are:
- Is this decision in the best interest of CAHN’s members and the association as a
whole? - Would I be comfortable explaining this decision to members?
- Are we following policy?
- What is the history behind the policy?
Conference Conduct & Responsibilities
The executive team is expected to represent the association in a positive manner while attending meetings, events, and conferences where travel is reimbursed under the executive travel policy.
This may include:
- Wearing a CAHN branded name tag
- distributing promotional materials,
- answering questions about the association
- speaking positively about the association
- recruiting volunteers and members
- sitting at a CAHN exhibition
- taking on other activities to increase the success of the event or elevate CAHN’s image.
At CAHN conferences, executives are expected to attend CAHN’s programming as well as nurse educational events hosted by CAHN’s sponsors. Attendance at social activities is optional. At CAHN executive meetings, executives are expected to contribute their knowledge and suggestions to the discussions and to attend the full meeting. Exceptions can be made to accommodate arrival and departure times. Attendance at social activities is optional.
Travel Reimbursements
CAHN reimburses 100% of executive and board member’s travel and accommodation expenses when traveling to a CAHN meeting or conference. Room sharing is encouraged. Meals are reimbursed to a maximum amount as indicated in the Executive Travel Policy.
BOD & Executive Wellness
BOD and Executive health and well-being (preventing burn-out) are important to the association. We encourage open communication about how CAHN can support board member and executive wellness.
If you have any further questions, please email
Or, if you are ready to put your name forward for Board Candidacy, please send a short bio and photo. We will add your name to the ballot for the upcoming AGM. At the AGM, we will ask you to unmute and introduce yourself.
We hope you feel supported in your readiness to join our team!